
Showing posts from December, 2018

Design of my Breathe Experiment

I was amazed with my first exposure to 'Mudra' exercises. Just simple movement and changes of fingers and hands positioning, and you are able to channelise your breath to different body parts, and you can so easily feel this yourself. That was 'Eureka' moment for me, and I became more alert about my breathe. Over time, I have experienced following: Our emotions, internal feelings and state of mind are reflected (or expressed) in our breathing patterns. When we are angry, we breathe fast. When we are in peace and smell a flower or stunned by natural scenery, we tend to take long breathes. When we are afraid or scared, then also our breathing becomes fast. Our breathing affects our emotions, state of mind, and also health. When we do any kind of pranayams, we instantly feel the shift inside. When headache, and you try deep inhales and exhales through individual nostrils (closing other), do it 11 times with each nostril, and you will feel relieved. Try taking a jog (or fas